Cigar Society

$360 Membership Includes:

1 stogie chosen by BOLD a month at each meeting.

Meet every 3rd Tuesday of the month 6-8pm.

15 percent off all stogies any time you come in to BOLD.

25 percent off on Thursdays.

1 Formal dress up prime rib/chefs choice dinner catered to bold 1st week in December with wine chosen and paired by wife Caitlin Casimiro. Wive’s or significant other can attend for $180.

We meet on a scheduled and also impromptu basis to enjoy a cigar and/or beverage and just meet others and share fellowship.

We’d love to have you join us!

Visit BOLD Cigar lounge today to sign up in person.

Al Casimiro

Caitlin Casimiro
Vice President


BOLD Cigar Bar
A Premium Cigar Bar and Lounge
144 Fulton St E.
Grand Rapids, MI. 49503